CEO message

M&A that respects human resources and corporate culture and values unique technologies and services of acquired companies.
While the global economy continues to maintain solid growth, there is a risk of recession due to prolonged international tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East, high prices worldwide, and the effects of monetary tightening. The Japanese economy is showing signs of a gradual recovery, supported by solid corporate earnings and employment conditions, as well as wage hikes in response to high prices, despite concerns about the ongoing depreciation of the yen and high prices. Against this backdrop, the 11th fiscal year was nearly in line with our original forecast, with net sales of 12,397 million yen and operating income of 684 million yen, both record highs, the 11th consecutive fiscal year of sales growth and the 6th consecutive fiscal year of profit growth.
This is due to the steady growth of existing businesses, which has been achieved through investment in human resources and M&A, which we have made to the maximum extent since our IPO, so that we can provide higher value-added information services. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders and all those involved for their patronage and support.
For the 12th fiscal year, we forecast further increases in sales and profit to 14 billion yen in net sales and 800 million yen in operating income, and set high goals of 30 billion yen in net sales and 3 billion yen in operating income by 2030.
Even though the global economy is in chaos, the demand for information systems is steadily increasing due to the restoration of legacy heritage and DX (Digital Transformation), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry forecasts a shortage of 450,000 IT engineers by 2025 and 800,000 by 2030, so the IT industry We believe that demand is certain. In response to this situation, we intend to further increase our investment in human resources for recruitment and training, improve the retention of engineers by improving their compensation by 6%, and acquire a wide range of technologies and services through aggressive mergers and acquisitions. In addition to DX, demand for information systems is expected to increase further in response to AI generation and efforts to achieve a carbon-neutral society.
As we move steadily forward, one step at a time, to achieve further growth, we sincerely appreciate your continued patronage and support.
SYS Holdings Inc.
Representative Director, Chairman and President