Business Segments

Our group is a single source for comprehensive information services providing three solutions.



Providing comprehensive information services mainly to companies related to the automobile, heavy industries, machine tool, steel, hauling and transportation machine sectors.

エスワイシステム SYI グローバル・インフォメーション・テクノロジー 総合システムリサーチ テクノフュージョン サイバーネックス つくばソフトウェアエンジニアリング SYSインドネシア タイソフトウェアエンジニアリング

Social Information
Infrastructure Solution

Providing comprehensive information Services mainly to companies related to sectors such as energy, filling, printing forms, railways, real estate, government agencies, and municipalities.

エスワイシステム SYI グローバル・インフォメーション・テクノロジー オルグ サイバーネックス レゾナント・コミュニケーションズ スレッドアンドハーフ ネットパーク21 アイガ シー・アイ・システム マリオン


Providing services such as mobile applications for corporations whose end users are companies in the distribution, home visit nursing-care, railway, medical care and road sectors.


Global Manufacturing Solution

In the manufacturing industries, information technology is used to differentiate products and parts and to improve efficiency in production management, quality control, procurement management, logistic management, etc. Investment by customers for this software is doing well.

Our group targets manufacturing companies growing in overseas markets.
We provide comprehensive information services to companies related mainly to automobile, heavy industry, machine tool, steel and hauling machine.

For automobile related customers, we are developing and verifying the on-vehicle ECU (Electronic Control Unit). Because of concerns about fuel efficiency and environmental protection, the demand for our service is increasing.

We also advise companies using our overseas business experience and overseas partner. PT.SYS INDONESIA, a consolidated subsidiary of the company, conducts verification services for automatic transmissions.

Global Manufacturing Solution

Social Information Infrastructure Solution

Services such as electricity and finance, and services developed recently such as Internet and data centres are called “social information infrastructure” by our group. Since it is the foundation of services that provide information technology, software investment has been made continuously to maintain competitiveness.

Our group provides comprehensive information services to major customers in businesses such as energy power and gas, finance such as life insurance and credit cards, leasing and securities, printing forms, railways, real estate-related companies and government agencies and local governments.


Mobile Solution

With the spread of smartphones and mobile terminals, services provided by mobile applications have become indispensable for personal life. We provide end-users to industries such as distribution groups, home visiting nursing-care, railway, medical, and road services.

Our consolidated subsidiary, ESUKEI Co.,Ltd. has established a corporate statement “Beneficial convenience brought closer. New business solutions that lead to success”. The products are sold through sales agents such as telecommunication carriers and by our group.


source: Fuji chimera Research Institute "Overview of smart device related business for corporate in 2015“